734th Field Artillery Battalion
On the way!
734th Field Artillery Battalion - Photos
C Battery - Camp Gruber, OK 1944
C Battery - Miller's Gun Crew 1943
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery - Miller's gun Caliente Rose - Texas
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery - SGT Land's Crew
C Battery - SGT Land
C Battery - SGT Land, LA 1943
C Battery - Lenny and Novack from Pittsfield on top of Kat
C Battery - Lenny and Novack from Pittsfield on top of Kat
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery - Miller's gun CB1 bound for Freising, Germany
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery - SGT Land's crew
C Battery - SGT Land
C Battery - Miller, Quiff and SGT Land
C Battery - SGT Land and dog Quiff
SGT Land buried in Luxembourg
C Battery - Miller - stayed in her barn during the Battle of the Bulge
C Battery - 1945 Brussels
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery - Miller and crew 1945 Eisenach, Germany
C Battery
C Battery - Queen Elizabeth
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery - Thorne
C Battery - Reginald Minshull
C Battery - Francis Hayden
C Battery - Myers
C Battery - Peter Hill
C Battery - Jee
C Battery - Philip Farley
C Battery - Corporal Walter Waszak
C Battery - Wilmer Stoflet
C Battery - Keith Clark
C Battery - Mae, Bud, Jerry, Bill and Mexley
C Battery - James Marchi and Peg
C Battery - Marchi, Joe, Terrie and Miller
C Battery - Tuttle and June
C Battery - Tuttle
C Battery - Teddy
C Battery - Joe and Miller
C Battery - Marchi
C Battery - SGT Land
C Battery - Dante Gigliotti
C Battery - Hilding Nordstrom
C Battery - Kantenin
C Battery - Alton Beverage
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
C Battery
A Battery - PFC Zygmunt Dembek
A Battery - PFC Zygmunt Dembek
A Battery - PFC Zygmunt Dembek and others
A Battery - PFC Zygmunt Dembek and others
Photos from James Marchi
Photos from James Marchi
734th Field Artillery Battalion - History
C Battery Travels
C Battery supported units
Assignments and general information
C Battery Roster pg 1
C Battery Roster pg 2
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
LT Wiethe 'Memories' of C Battery, 734th FA
734th Field Artillery Battalion - Documents
Camp Gruber Postcard
XII Corps Disposition
29 SEPT 1944
Bing Miller Bronze Star
After Action Reports
Morning Reports
WWII Order of Battle 1
WWII Order of Battle 2
FM 6-40 Gunnery
FM 6-40 Firing
FM 6-20 Tactics
FM 21-26 Map Reading
TM 9-345 Gun Material
Corps Artillery
©Copyright 1943 - 2025 - 734th Field Artillery All rights reserved.